Friday, June 4, 2010

Knee-sy Does It

The most significant choice when having ACL surgery is what type of graft to use to reconstruct the torn ligament. Theres 2 options:
1. My own tendon from the patellar (structure on the front of your knee that connects the kneecap (patella) to the shin bone (tibia)) or hamstring
2. A donor ligament from Rue McClanahan (j/k, but the tissue will be for a cadaver)

There are long lists of pros and cons for each option, but they're summed up nicely in this site:

After research and my 2nd opinion, I'm going with my own tendon, preferably my hamstring because it's a smaller incision that from the patellar. So now what? Well, I better get my hamstrings in tip top shape before Dr. F slices of a nice chunk of it. If my hammies are in great shape, I figure my recovery will be faster and easier, and it can't hurt to have nice looking legs. Meow!

I am absolutely NOT a trainer nor do I have any expertise in exercise science. I just like being healthy. So my plan for the next 4 weeks is to strengthen my legs (and in the process, maybe lose weight because I'm fully expecting to get tubby while sitting around not doing anything after surgery). My plan will be to do 6 days of Pilates and 6 days of Spinning with some extra knee/leg strengthening exercises thrown in like leg presses, leg lifts, leg extensions, etc.

I jump started the program by doing a 7 am Spinning class, and then an 8 am Pilates class. I take spinning classes at Equinox, mostly at Wall Street and the 7 am class is taught by this really awesome and very motivational instructor, Shaina - you won't have a more efficient 45 minute workout and your legs will be very fatigued but strong afterwards. I want a cold shower and crawl back into bed, but I make to Real Pilates (my Pilates studio in Tribeca, and the best, IMO studio in NYC) for 45 minutes with Daniel. As usual, he was great and I feel aligned and lengthened.

So this is my plan for the month. Wish me luck!



  1. If you want to strengthen your hamstrings, do leg curls, not leg extensions. Those are for your quads, and they'd be pretty harsh on a torn ACL.

  2. What about upper body strength too? It'll make getting around on the crutches and hoisting yourself for those first couple weeks a lot easier. Are you doing anything for that?

  3. Hi Rachel--funny you ask that. I thought of the same thing last night. See most recent post
